We Are a Global Health Organization Dedicated to Making the Planet a Healthier Place to Live

Hands For Life travels the world sharing the message of where true health resides. Many people have NO IDEA their bodies are designed to be healthy. They were never told there is an INTELLIGENCE within them that controls every system, organ, tissue and cell, and that same intelligence that created them from a sperm and an egg is still within them today. They were never told the body is a self healing, self regulating entity. They were never told the importance of their NERVOUS SYSTEM and how it is the MASTER CONTROL system in the body.
Hands For Life doctors fly around the world, teaching people the importance of a properly functioning Nervous System and Spine and how that relates to a healthy body. Through our Partners, we are blessed to be able to take care of children, orphans, recovering drug addicts, and families that live below the poverty line and don’t have access to any forms of health care.
In addition to traveling the Globe, Hands For Life Doctors work in the Inner Cities, Houses of Refuge, Women and Children Shelters, offering their services to those who cannot afford to take care of themselves.
Real Impact, Real Results
Unlock the Potential Within a Child and Family
Water for Life
Our bodies are made up primarily of Water. Water is one of the most essential ingredients to keeping us alive. Yet, throughout the world, far too many children and families have limited access to clean drinking water.
In areas around the world, kids have to walk long distances just to get a chance to pump their own water. Others fetch water from nearby watering holes, where unclean water causes all types of body dysfunctions and sickness. Wouldn’t it be great to build Water Wells, Biosand Filters, Rain Tanks, Create Protected Springs, Start Water Committees and more, so that a “Sustainable Future” can be an achievement and not be just a Buzz Phrase.
Feed The Hungry
No child should ever go to bed hungry. Did you know 1 out of every 7 children is hurt by hunger? The #1 reason kids are hungry in the U.S. and around the world is POVERTY.
How can we help end Hunger? Simple, we must all work together to break the cycle of poverty, and provide food, solutions to sustainable growing projects, and to educate the ones affected so they can learn to feed themselves responsibly and regularly. No child should ever go to bed hungry, and Hands For Life is partnering with organizations around the world to Stomp Out Hunger. Care to join…you make all the difference in the world!!
The Education Crisis is real. Think about this:
Every 26 seconds in the U.S., a student drops out of school.
Worldwide, close to 900 million people cannot read or write.
The reality is that in developing countries, students have to walk miles just to get to a school. 57 million children of primary school age have no classroom access at all.
In the U.S., Urban students are faced with hunger, drugs, and violence to and from school. U.S. Schools are crowded and crumbling, with over stressed teachers and no enrichment programs.
The Education Crisis directly relates to Violence and Crime, Economic Distress, Civic Disengagement and Communities that are fractured and struggling.
Hands For Life has chosen to STAND UP for our students and help create educational opportunities to EMPOWER, ENRICH and ENGAGE these beautiful minds so they become the leaders of tomorrow.
Your support can help make sure no child or adult are left behind